Conferences  Organized

Member of Organization Committee: First European Congress of Mathematics, Paris, July 06 -10, 1992

Co-organizer with A. Mielke (Stüttgart) of Workshop on Rate Independent Processes, Paris, Aug. 30 – Sept. 01, 2004

Co-organizer with G. Dal Maso (Trieste), A. Mielke (Stüttgart), T. Rubicek (Prague) of Oberwolfach Workshop: Analysis and Numerics for Rate Independent Processes, Oberwolfach, Feb. 25 - Mar. 03, 2007

Co-organizer with K. Hamdache (Palaiseau), L. Mascarenhas (Lisboa), F. Murat (Paris) of Conference: Des équations aux dérivées partielles au calcul scientifique, Congrès en l’honneur de Luc Tartar, Paris, July 02-06, 2007.

Co-organizer with G. Dal Maso (Trieste), A. Garroni (Rome), C. Larsen (Worcester) of a four-part mini-symposium
entitled: Damage and Fracture Evolution during SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia, May 11-14, 2008

Member Scientific Committee IUTAM Conference on Variational Concepts with Applications to the Mechanics of
Materials, Bochum, Sept. 22-26, 2008

Member Organizing Committee SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia,
May 23-26, 2010

Co-organizer with M. Kruzik (Prague), A. Gloria (Brussels) of Workshop: Relaxation, Homogenization and Dimensional Reduction in Hyperelasticity, Paris, March 25-27, 2014

Co-organizer with S. Luckhaus (Leipzig) of Oberwolfach Mini_Workshop: Scales in Plasticity. Oberwolfach, Nov. 8 -14, 2015.

Co-organizer with C. Miehe (Stuttgart) of 15th GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures, Paris, Jan 22-23, 2016.

Co-organizer with B. Bourdin (Baton Rouge), C. Larsen (Worcester), C. Maurini (Paris) of BIRS Workshop: Variational Models of Fracture, Banff, May 09-13, 2016.

Member Organizing Committee SIAM Conference on
Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Bilbao, Spain,
virtual conference, May 24-29, 2021.

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